Archive for the ‘FinDom Phone Sex’ Category


To give and receive, the intoxicating truth

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Ah, here we are on the eve of Christmas. Outside there’s a nip of the cold winter air, while inside there’s a fire burning and smell of spiced rum in my eggnog tickling my nose. And I do appreciate a good rum. I mean who doesn’t? Which has me thinking that maybe some of you. Those of you who are of legal drinking age of course might want to join me, or rather submit to me while enjoying a drink of your own. Perhaps we can play one of my intoxicating holiday games?

It’s that time of year again when people love to give and receive and as you may know I would much rather would receive, than to give. And in case you hadn’t already noticed, I really do enjoy parting fools from their money. Why you ask? It’s a very simple actually, I love it because it benefits me greatly. So putting a little time and effort into it isn’t such a big deal for me, since the payoff almost always is huge in the end.

Lately I have had some of you claim to want to be my financial slaves but aren’t quite there enough to simply hand over your wallet. And that’s okay. I know how to ease your mind so that you ease the pressure on your purse strings. It’s an inconvenience, a nuisance if you will but not an impossible task. And of course, you’ll be made to pay for your bullheadedness and inflexibility later. However we won’t worry about that…for now.

Now I have you curious don’t I? Wondering how I can take someone whose almost there but not quite and change his mind. Well I can tell you this much, it isn’t rocket science. All it takes is a little lowering of the inhibitions. And as we all know one of the easiest and best ways to accomplish that is with the use of alcohol. Now some may call it ‘forced intoxication’ but there is nothing forced about it. Especially not if your asking me for it. It’s your choice to pick it up or not.

If you do make that choice then it’s voluntary… Just as voluntary as the money that will start to flow like a waterfall from your wallet into my account as you submit your loyalty to me. It’s so predictable really. And intoxicating! *Laughs*

So now why don’t you go to the phone, bring your highest limit credit card and submit to my deviously fun intoxicating games. Come on, you know you want to!

Intoxicating Mistress


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Back, Ready to Drain Your Wallet!

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Hello and welcome back, it has been a while hasn’t it? As they say, all good things come to those who wait and now that wait is over. Let us get back to the basics. If you have been here before you know exactly what I expect out of you, but for those of you who have just stopped by let me break it down for you so that there isn’t any misconceptions about me, financial domination or what I offer.

As you can probably tell by the name of this website, I love money quite a bit and lots of it! My favorite hobby is unburdening men of their wealth through financial domination and blackmail. It’s quite the adventure really. Some require very little effort and give willingly, while others require a more hands-on approach with a bit more persuasion. Just know that those who follow instruction, and give willingly will gain favor with me so much faster than if I have to push you to do the right thing.

Do you have questions? Read my page ‘Serving Money Hungry Bitch‘ and while your at it also take a moment to read ‘Etiquette‘ so that there’s no misconceptions in how you should interact with me when you call or write. Everything you want to know is all right here.

With all that out of the way now. Are you interested in financial domination and becoming one of my faithful money slaves? Good. Get out your credit card and call me. Let me show you what the world of FinDom is all about.

Financial Domination Phonesex


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