Some Losers

Some Losers know what it’s all about and others, well they just don’t have a clue. For example, Loser Larry is one of them who gets it. So pay attention morons, you just might learn something from Larry.

Not to long ago Loser Larry ran into a rough patch where he couldn’t afford the tribute to his Goddess, so instead of sulking or begging for more time, he went and got a second job so that he could tribute and keep me in the lifestyle in which I have grown accustom.

Make no mistake, its no easy task trying to juggle two jobs and keep a Goddess such as myself happy. He gets very little sleep, and pickings are slim at the dinner table but he’s genuinely happy knowing he’s providing for me the way he should be.

So next time you think you can’t afford to tribute or the bank account is dry, don’t whine about it, go find a way to make it happen. Its your responsibility to keep me happy!! So I’m gonna give a shout out to my Loser Larry for paying attention and honoring his commitment to me.

Good Job My Pet !!

Want an honorable mention here? Impress me and I just may add you to the page. However, be warned that impressing me is not easy, and never cheap. Still want to try? Be my guest.